Identification peculiarities of the information society and internet communication


  • Kornienko Olga Yu. Lomonosov Moscow State University


Internet environment, clip thinking, fragmentation, identification peculiarities, mems


The article is devoted to the identification peculiarities of the information media in the context of globalization of the communicative space. The aim of the study was to understand the main trends for an increasingly fragmented media of the digital environment. In order to understand the problem, it seems important to use the descriptive method and the method of content analysis. The study produced a number of key findings: Internet thinking is characterized by simplification, fragmentation, appeal to interest, not to consciousness; the Internet environment has developed its own tools and stylistics, reflecting the Internet consciousness; a specific language based on “likes, memes, emoji, epic formulas, hashtags” that promote a special international code of communication in the information environment.

About author

Kornienko Olga Yu.

Lomonosov Moscow State University

Faculty of global studies, assistant professor

Candidate of philological sciences



How to Cite

Olga Yu., K. (2021). Identification peculiarities of the information society and internet communication. Information Society, (3), 9-15. Retrieved from



The human in the information society