Published since 1989

ISSN 1606–1330 (printed version) ISSN 1605-9921 (electronic version)


Information Society, 2015, Issue 1

Keywords and Abstracts

Achieving Consensus as a Principle of Internet Governance
Hartmut GLASER

Widespread Internet fundamentally changes people’s lives, and therefore there is a need to manage the development and functioning of the global network. It is argued that the main principle of this control should be “bottom up” initiatives. Such a democratic management style is somewhat more complicated to use, but pays off in the long run.
Keywords: Internet, Internet governance, NETmundial conference, multistakeholder participation, information-sharing.

Some Key Definitions of Informatization – Category Status and Subject Domain
Georgiy L’vovich SMOLYAN

With philosophical methods employed, the article reveals content of basic definitions underlying the informatization concept: information environment, information activities, communications, and cyber space. The author offers multi-tiered functional model of the information environment resting on the interpretation of social life as cooperation of people ultimately aimed to produce and reproduce the life itself. The definitions in questions attach required energy to social and personal development raising it to a new scale.
Keywords: information environment, information activities, communicative activities, cyber space, functional and integration model of the information environment.

National Library of the Republic of Tatarstan on its Way to the Information Society
Rimma Uzbekovna Elizarova

The article describes history of the National Library of the Republic of Tatarstan moving towards the informational society, shows how information and communication technologies affect growing complexity of library processes improving quality and efficiency of work. The history is divided in periods of ICT adoption related with deploying computer technology in library processes; creating digital information resources available to remote users, and functioning as coordination and methodology center of corporate cataloguing.
Keywords: National Library of the Republic of Tatarstan, information society, information and communication technologies, corporate cataloguing, digital libraries, sociological studies, information resources.

How to Click the Buttons? Healthcare Informatisation and Organizational Resistance Issue
Elena Grigoryevna DYAKOVA, Anna Davidovna TRAKHTENBERG

Deploying medical information systems comes along with worldwide organizational resistance of healthcare employees. According to the qualitative sociological study held with support of the Russian Humanities Research Foundation grant “Transition to E-Government as the Process of Social Adaptation of Technology” (Ural No. 14–13–66016a) the conclusion is made that the reason for organizational resistance is in collision between management requirements of maximized control and strict standards in rendering healthcare services vs. basic values of medical profession related with the need to make ethically loaded decisions in highly uncertain situations.
Keywords: social adaptation of technologies, medical information systems, organizational resistance, standardization, values, technology based rationality.

Trusted Connections as the Foundation of Information Security of the State
Tagir Yagudovich YAKUBOV, Almaz Railevich ISKHAKOV, Albert Raisovich MANNAPOV

The article considers immediate threats to national interests in the field of the information security. It analyzes current state and development perspectives of the Russian telecommunications equipment industry. The concept of trusted communications networks is offered. The article describes a media content analysis information system that implements the function of access monitoring for security kernel of the trusted communications network. It demonstrates experience of deploying the trusted communications network based on state multi-service data network of the Republic of Bashkortostan.
Keywords: trusted communications network, information security, national interests, telecommunications equipment.

The Internet in Brazil. Origins, Strategy, Development, and Governance

The preface, foreword and chapters 1 and 2 of Peter Knight’s book were published in Russian in Information Society 4-6 (2014). Chapters 7 and 8 are translated here. They introduce the Brazilian Internet management model, history of adopting the Internet Bill of Rights (Marco Civil da Internet - MCI) Law signed by President Dilma Rousseff during the opening ceremony of the NetMundial conference that was held in Sao Paulo on 23–24 April 2014 and present changes to put the Internet at the center of a national strategy to accelerate Brazilian Internet development.
Keywords:, domain names registration and support, Marco Civil da Internet Act, civil rights framework for the Internet, privacy of personal data, net neutrality, NETmundial.