Instructions for Authors
Dear authors of “Information Society” Journal!
Editorial board of the Journal would like to thank you for cooperation and is waiting for new materials from you. To maximize efficiency of our cooperation, please follow the requirements stated below.
The submitted materials must be original, without having published previously in any other printed media. If the materials are of extreme interest for the Journal, they may be reprinted from other printed media on the exceptional basis, as agreed with respective right holders.
When writing the article, please take into account the Journal profile and adopt content and form of the article to one of the Journal sections.
The amount of text should not exceed 0.5 author's sheet (20 thousand characters).
The manuscript must be provided with information about the author, including full name of the author, place of work, position, academic degree and title, telephone number, and e-mail. It is necessary to attach the abstract (not more than 750 characters) and a brief CV (not more than 750 characters, either).
The editorial board also asks to provide the manuscript with the author's photo (if there are several authors, then photo of each author) in .jpg format of relatively high quality (at least 250 px per inch, with the picture size of not less than 150 õ 180 mm).
Graphics attached to the article must be sent in separate files. It is not recommended to use color pictures and diagrams.
Manuscripts are accepted in electronic format, DOC or RTF files on the electronic media, at the following address: 105062, Moscow. Makarenko str., 2/21, entrance 2, office 8, to Tatiana Ershova, editor-in-chief of Information Society Journal, or by e-mail to:
The editorial board only informs the author of the publication decision made. In case of refusal to publish the article, the editorial board does not maintain theoretical discussions.
Requirements to execution of materials
The text is typed with 1.5 line spacing.
Page numbers are located in the upper right corner.
The first page has no number.
Times New Roman font, headings made with point size 14; subheadings, abstracts, text – point size 12, footnotes – point size 10.
Comments are executed as footnotes, references to literature are executed as endnotes.
Bibliography references are provided in the text in square brackets (reference number, page), and as a list of bibliographic sources in the end of the manuscript.
It is recommended to use only the following abbreviations:
- Germ., Eng., Am., Gr., Lat. – and other lang.
- tr. - translation
- w. - work(s)
- b. - book
- V. – volume(s)
- P. - part
- y. - year, yy. - years
- M., L., SPb., - Moscow, Leningrad, St Petersburg
- B, L., P., N.Y., F/M., W. - Berlin, London, Paris, New York, Frankfurt am Main, Vienna.
Bibliographical description is provided in compliance with GOST R 7.0.5-2008 in force (
Bibliographical Reference Execution Example
- Galitskiy E.B. Internet audience: social and demographics analysis // Information society. 2008. ¹ 3-4. P. 19 – 36.
- Aristotle. Politeia Athenaio?n. State structure of Athenians / tr., comments and afterword by S. I. Radtsig. 3rd edition, revised. M.: Phlinta: SMPI, 2007. 233 pages.
- Kovshikov V.A., Gluhov V.P. Psycholinguistics: speech theory: textbook for students of teachers’ training institutes. M.: Astrel; Tver: AST, 2006. 319 pages. (Higher School).
- Content and technologies of education for adults: the problem of forward-looking education: collection of studies / Ins. of education for adults Rus. ac. of education: edited by. A.E. Marson. M.: IOV, 2007. 118 pages.
- Far East international economic forum (Khabarovsk, October 5 – 6 2006): materials / Government of the Khabar. Region. Khabarovsk: Ed. of the Pacific. St. Univ., 2006. V. 1 – 8.
- Of individual assistance in obtaining education: (of education assistance): fed. law of the Fed. Rep. of Germany dated April 1, 2001 // Educational laws of foreign countries. M., 2003. V. 3. P. 422 – 464.
Bibliographical References to Electronic Resources
7. Kremleva S.O. Network communities // PORTALUS.RU: All-Rus. virt. enc. M., 2005. URL: (visited: 11.11.2005).
Bibliographical References to Archive Documents
8. Guschin B.P. Magazine key: article // PFA RAN. F. 900. Op. 1. Dep. item. 23. 5 sheets.