Information Society
2018, Issue 1
Editor’s word
Don’t shoot the black swans
Social and Economic Aspects of the Information Society
Go to the Future or Stay in the Past?
VERSHINSKAYA Olga Nikolaevna
Knowledge Economy and the Information Society: Ten Years Later
DAGAEV Alexander Alexandrovich
On the Anthropological Future of the NBICS Society
BASALAEVA Oksana Gennadyevna
Pax Urbanica: Cities in Global Networked Civilization
VERSHININA Inna Alfredovna, DOBRINSKAYA Darya Egorovna
Informational/Global in Understanding of Modern Society by Manuel Castells
NAUMENKO Tamara Vasilyevna
The Digital Economy
E-Commerce Market Institutions: Logistics Providing
KALUZHSKY Mikhail Leonidovich
The Human in the Information Society
Elderly Muscovites in the Information World
POPOV Pavel Vasilyevich, USPENSKAYA Tatiana Nikolaevna