Yasen Zasursky, patriarch of Russian journalism, member of the editorial board of the Information Society journal has passed away


Yasen Nikolaevich Zasursky was born on October 29, 1929 in Moscow. After graduating from school as an external student at the age of 14, in 1944, he entered the English faculty of the Maurice Torez Moscow State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages. He graduated in 1948. After that, he defended his Ph.D. thesis and for two years served as a scientific editor at the Foreign Literature Publishing House.

In 1953, Yasen Zasursky came to work at the recently created faculty of journalism at Moscow State University and stayed there for life. Since 1955, he has been the head of the Department of foreign journalism and literature. In 1965 he became dean of the faculty and headed it for more than 40 years, until 2007, when he moved to the position of president of the faculty. He was the last of the teachers to work since the founding of the faculty. During his work, he gave a start in profession to tens of thousands of students.

In 1999, when the Institute of the Information Society together with the Russian Engineering Academy took over the publication of the scientific and analytical journal Information Society, we invited Professor Zasursky to join its editorial board, because Yasen Nikolaevich was very interested in this topic. He took an active part in the work of the board and in many ways influenced the formation of editorial policy and criteria for the quality of articles.

Yasen Nikolaevich will forever remain in our memory as a senior friend and kind adviser.