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Dear authors!

We regret to note the widespread violation of our requirements when submitting materials:

1. The design template is not followed, the established styles are violated
2. The English block is often missing
3. In the English block, Russian-language sources are translated, not transliterated, as required
4. Very often there is no consent letter
5. The texts are not edited or proofread

Publishing articles in our journal is free for the authors, so all the work to bring the texts to a state appropriate for a high-rated publication falls on the authors. The editors do not provide methodological support for novice authors, as well as editing and proofreading. The editors also do not correspond with authors by e-mail and in messengers - the entire publication process is carried out through the digital platform of the journal.

We ask you to pay close attention to the established requirements, carefully study the Guidelines for Authors and show respect for the journal with a glorious 35-year history.