Features of assessing the investment attractiveness of innovative markets in the context of the digital transformation of the economy


  • Ansel Ilgizovich Shaidullin HSE University
  • Nursultan Batyrbekovich Zhusupov HSE University


investment attractiveness, innovative markets, innovative industries, investments, bibliometric analysis


A competent assessment of the investment attractiveness of innovative sectors is becoming more in demand due to the increasing complexity of internal and external risks. Innovative markets and products often do not have all the necessary financial information to make forecasts and develop strategies. The purpose of the paper is to develop recommendations for improving the investment attractiveness of innovative sectors of the economy. A review of established research clusters on the keyword "investment attractiveness" demonstrates the existence of different approaches to its assessment. The article develops the author's definition of the term "investment attractiveness", which allows taking into account the interests of investors in the conditions of changing technological cycles.

About authors

Ansel Ilgizovich Shaidullin

HSE University

Department of business informatics
Postgraduate student

Nursultan Batyrbekovich Zhusupov

HSE University



28.02.2025 — Updated on 11.03.2025


How to Cite

Shaidullin, A. I., & Zhusupov, N. B. (2025). Features of assessing the investment attractiveness of innovative markets in the context of the digital transformation of the economy. Information Society, (1), 70-78. Retrieved from http://infosoc.iis.ru/article/view/1148 (Original work published February 28, 2025)



Science and innovations in the information society