ML-driven agent-based simulation of agri-food supply chain


  • Yulia Sergeevna Otmakhova Central Economic and Mathematics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Dmitry Alexeevich Devyatkin Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control” of the RAS


digital technologies, agent-based modeling, transformer-based neural operator, deep time- index models, forecasting, machine learning, software and analytical complex, supply chains, food security


The paper presents the joint use of machine learning methods and agent-based modeling for analysis and scenario forecasts to reduce the impact of trade flow destabilization on food security in Russia in increasing sanctions pressure. The authors propose a conceptual scheme of a software and analytical complex for forecasting indicators of agri-food supply chains. The obtained results can form the basis of a socio-economic multi-agent model for ensuring food security. Using the proposed approach in the situation centers can help counter external threats and ensure Russia's national security.

About authors

Yulia Sergeevna Otmakhova

Central Economic and Mathematics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Laboratory of computer modeling of socio-economic processes
Leading researcher

Ph. D. in economics

Dmitry Alexeevich Devyatkin

Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control” of the RAS

Department of intelligent technologies and systems
Head of laboratory

Ph. D. in computer science



How to Cite

Otmakhova, Y. S., & Devyatkin, D. A. (2024). ML-driven agent-based simulation of agri-food supply chain. Information Society, (4), 21-32. Retrieved from