Artificial intelligence and electronic justice in China


  • Elena Olegovna Tulupova Ufa University of Science and Technology
  • Tatyana Konstantinovna Demidova Ufa University of Science and Technology


digitalization, artificial intelligence, digital law, justice, system


The digital revolution has been embraced by all spheres of human activity. The popularization of new forms of transmission, storage and processing of information has occurred so rapidly that its legal regulation has not only failed to keep up with new trends for many years, but, one might even say, literally stands still. Many foreign countries, trying to keep up with the times, promptly fill the legal vacuum with various norms, as well as experimental projects to introduce a neural network into the work of government agencies, including law enforcement. This article will be devoted to the study of such foreign experience.

About authors

Elena Olegovna Tulupova

Ufa University of Science and Technology

Institute of Law
Department of theory of state and law
Associate professor

Candidate of law, associate professor

Tatyana Konstantinovna Demidova

Ufa University of Science and Technology

Institute of Law
Department of international law and integration law
Associate professor

Candidate of political science



How to Cite

Tulupova, E. O. ., & Demidova, T. K. (2025). Artificial intelligence and electronic justice in China . Information Society, (1), 79-87. Retrieved from



Information society and law