Global division of labor in IT as a condition of IT globalization 2.0



import substitution in IT, import independence in IT, echnological sovereignty, global division of labor, IT globalization 2.0


The work examines trends in the global division of labor in the field of information technology. The inclusion of an increasing number of countries, including developing ones, in the development of the global IT market should become the basis for the re-globalization of the IT industry or IT globalization 2.0. The methodology used was the analysis of scientometric data on scientific publications in the field of IT. To confirm the effectiveness of using scientometric analysis, a study of correlations between publication activity and IT market development was conducted. The study showed in which countries and in which IT areas new products should be expected to appear. In particular, it was shown that in the IT industry as a whole, the number of scientific studies conducted in recent years by scientists from the BRICS countries is greater than the number of such studies by scientists from the G7 countries. If we consider scientific publications in certain areas of IT, in some cases they are relatively evenly represented in different countries, which corresponds to the approach of IT globalization 2.0, and in some areas there are leading countries that are significantly ahead of other countries, which carries risks from the point of view of globalization. The proposed analysis and methodology can become the basis for a methodology for monitoring the global IT market from the point of view of Russia’s import independence.

About authors

Iaroslav O. Zubov

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Department of business informatics
Associate professor

Candidate of economic Sciences

Sergei Ivanovich Neizvestny

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Department of business informatics

Doctor of technical sciences

Dmitrii Andreevich Ryabov

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Department of business informatics
Senior lecturer

Boris Borisovich Slavin

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Department of business informatics

Doctor of economic sciences, professor




How to Cite

Zubov, I. O., Neizvestny, S. I., Ryabov, D. A., & Slavin, B. B. (2025). Global division of labor in IT as a condition of IT globalization 2.0. Information Society, (1), 94-108. Retrieved from



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