Considering the genesis of information society development perceptions and some basic approaches to its study


  • Stepan Vladimirovich Orlov Lomonosov Moscow State University


information society, genesis of the information society, history, factors, historical periods


The article examines the evolution of ideas about the information society in historical retrospect, the main theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of the processes of formation of the information society, and specifies the content of the concepts of “post-industrial” and “information” society when studying the history of informatization of society. Historical periods of the formation of ideas and ideas about the essence of the information society in Russia and abroad are highlighted, as well as factors that significantly influenced the development of the information society in different historical periods.

About author

Stepan Vladimirovich Orlov

Lomonosov Moscow State University

Faculty of history
Department of history of social movements and political parties
Head of the Department

Candidate of economic sciences, associate professor



How to Cite

Orlov, S. V. (2025). Considering the genesis of information society development perceptions and some basic approaches to its study. Information Society, (1), 10-23. Retrieved from



Fundamental research in the field of information society