Encyclopedia as an information scientific resource in demography


  • Tamara Kerimovna Rostovskaya Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Ekaterina N. Vasilieva Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences


information resources, digitalization, science, education, knowledge, encyclopedia, history of demography, Russian Empire


The relevance of systematization of information and its resources on the history of methodology and scientific discourse in demographic research in the socio-political conditions of the Russian Empire (1721-1917) is due to the following fact. Currently studying demographic problems is actively included not only in the disciplinary matrix of socio-humanitarian studies, but also in other fields of the modern education system. Demography as a science contributes to solving practical problems, including some that are determined by the civilizational features, the structure and geographical scale of the state, the inclusion of different historical events and different ethnic groups in the culture of the country. The authors consider the encyclopedia as an informational scientific resource, a source of knowledge about the development of demographic science in the Russian Empire (1721-1917). The methodology of this study uses a systematic approach. The main research methods are the historical and genetic method and qualitative analysis of documents and information resources. As a result, in the specified period main factors that influenced the lack of information leading to weak systematization of knowledge about the history of demography and statistics are identified.

About authors

Tamara Kerimovna Rostovskaya

Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Institute for Demographic Research
Deputy director for research

Doctor of sociological sciences, professor

Ekaterina N. Vasilieva

Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Institute for Demographic Research
Chief scientific officer

Doctor of sciences (sociology), professor



How to Cite

Rostovskaya, T. K., & Vasilieva, E. N. (2025). Encyclopedia as an information scientific resource in demography. Information Society, (1), 136-142. Retrieved from http://infosoc.iis.ru/article/view/1352



History of information society development