Bilateral Financial Platforms: Models of Functioning and Prospects of Development


  • Ivan Dmitrievich KOTLIAROV National Research University Higher School of Economics (Saint Petersburg)


bilateral platforms, crowd-finance, crowdfunding, crowdlending, crowdinvesting, payment systems, FinTech.


The paper analyzes the nature of bilateral financial platforms. A list of success factors of bilateral platforms on the financial services market has been suggested, and the analysis of these factors has been given. The paper contains definitions of key financial products proposed by platforms. The nature of crowd-finance platforms as a further stage of development of payment systems was demonstrated. The problems hindering the development of bilateral financial platforms were described. Main directions of bilateral platforms evolution were shown.

About author

Ivan Dmitrievich KOTLIAROV

National Research University Higher School of Economics (Saint Petersburg)

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Department of Finance, National Research University Higher School of Economics (Saint Petersburg)



How to Cite

KOTLIAROV , I. D. (2020). Bilateral Financial Platforms: Models of Functioning and Prospects of Development. Information Society, (1-2), 52-60. Retrieved from