Social Сomplication: Trends and Prospects


  • Pavel Valeryevich OPOLEV Siberian State Automobile and Highway Academy


information, uncertainty, society, complexity, complexity, fragmentation, chaotization.


The transition from an industrial society to a postindustrial one is characterized by an explosive complication of social reality. The article draws attention to the fact that a post-industrial society generates a polymodal communicative space that transforms social structure, modifies and differentiates relations between key social subsystems, and fosters erosion of the social structures. In place of the metaphor of the social order comes the metaphor of balancing on the edge of chaos. Increasing social fragmentation allows us to consider modern society as a complex society that requires, in the author's opinion, explication of social complication trends.

About author

Pavel Valeryevich OPOLEV

Siberian State Automobile and Highway Academy


Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, the Siberian State Automobile and Highway Academy



How to Cite

OPOLEV , P. V. (2020). Social Сomplication: Trends and Prospects. Information Society, (4-5), 6-12. Retrieved from



Social and economic aspects of the information society