Internet in Brazil. Origin, strategy, development and management *. Part 3
Keywords:, domain names registration and support, Marco Civil da Internet Act, civil rights framework for the Internet, privacy of personal data, net neutrality, NETmundial.Abstract
Brazil has been a leader in developing and implementing multi-stakeholder governance of the Internet, where government, private sector, academia, civil society organizations and Internet professionals perform this function. The book examines how the Internet came to Brazil, how it has developed, how it is governed, and why its future development is strategic for achieving national goals.
The preface, foreword and chapters 1 and 2 of Peter Knight’s book were published in Russian in Information Society 4-6 (2014). Chapters 7 and 8 are translated here. They introduce the Brazilian Internet management model, history of adopting the Internet Bill of Rights (Marco Civil da Internet - MCI) Law signed by President Dilma Rousseff during the opening ceremony of the NetMundial conference that was held in Sгo Paulo on 23–24 April 2014 and present changes to put the Internet at the center of a national strategy to accelerate Brazilian Internet development.