К вопросу о фрагментации современного медиаландшафта: теория и эмпирические результаты


media fragmentation, audience, going digital, media landscape transformation, television, the Internet.


The author focuses on the phenomenon of media space fragmentation. Technology-related and social / economic pre-conditions are discussed, fragmentation consequences are considered in terms of perspectives of shaping new cultural / information environment. Interpretation of modern trends of media fragmentation in Russia based on empirical data analysis is offered. The author substantiates his opinion that theoretical ideas of fragmentation resulting in small closed audience groups are likely to be exaggerated. The idea of mass and niche media mutually complementing each other is the most realistic in short and mid-term.



How to Cite

К вопросу о фрагментации современного медиаландшафта: теория и эмпирические результаты . (2020). Information Society, (2-3), 91-100. Retrieved from http://infosoc.iis.ru/article/view/384



Information society and mass media