New Capabilities of Information Risks Insurance: 15 Years After


  • Valeriy Arkadyevich KONYAVSKIY ОАО «Конструкторское бюро полупроводникового машиностроения ʺРостехʺ»
  • Mikhail Yuryevich KUZMIN Semiconductor Engineering Design Bureau “Rostech”
  • Boris Vladimirovich KRISTALNIY Semiconductor Engineering Design Bureau “Rostech”


information technology, information technology security, information security, information risk, information risk insurance.


The article considers a range of problems that, according to the authors, prevent wide penetration of information risks insurance methods in Russia. The most important problem is identified, which is assessment of information technology security for legal entities and individuals. It requires significant expenses incurred by insurance companies (on expert examination of information technologies), and by customers (on complying with recommendations of insurance companies).

The article offers some methods of reducing information risks insurance costs allowing to extend the area of insurance, from media and processing tools up to information technologies and IT systems in general. The suggested approach is illustrated by examples of using new innovative Russian import-substituting product – protected microcomputers based on “Harvard” microprocessors.

Practical value of the approach in question is that it can be applied for both legal entities and individuals. This will facilitate considerable extension of the Russian market of trusted information technology with insured information risks.

About authors

Valeriy Arkadyevich KONYAVSKIY

ОАО «Конструкторское бюро полупроводникового машиностроения ʺРостехʺ»

Doctor of Engineering, Professor, Scientific Director, Semiconductor Engineering Design Bureau “Rostech”

Mikhail Yuryevich KUZMIN

Semiconductor Engineering Design Bureau “Rostech”

Head of Department, Scientific Director, Semiconductor Engineering Design Bureau “Rostech”

Boris Vladimirovich KRISTALNIY

Semiconductor Engineering Design Bureau “Rostech”

Professor, Advisor of Director-General, Scientific Director, Semiconductor Engineering Design Bureau “Rostech”



How to Cite

KONYAVSKIY, V. A. ., KUZMIN, M. Y. . ., & KRISTALNIY , B. V. . (2020). New Capabilities of Information Risks Insurance: 15 Years After . Information Society, (4), 17-30. Retrieved from



Social and economic aspects of the information society