Monitoring System of Sectors of the Economy Needs in Digital Platforms and Technologies


  • Tatiana Viktorovna Ershova Lomonosov Moscow State University
  • Alexander Nikolaevich Raikov Lomonosov Moscow State University
  • Yuri Eugenievich Hohlov Institute of the Information Society


agribusiness, big data, cognitive modeling, monitoring, need, digital platform, digital technology


This article is aimed at building a system for monitoring the needs of the real economy in digital technologies and platforms. An approach to formalized needs assessments based on the terminology of the user domain and automated real-time market monitoring is proposed. It is based on the methods of quality management, architectural approach, big data analytics and artificial intelligence, strategic analysis and modeling. The proposed approach will allow us to quickly assess the dynamics of the needs of the segmented market by branches and sectors of the economy in digital technologies and platforms, to ensure the growth of the digital services quality. The results of the composition of individual components of the approach in one of the segments of the Russian agricultural market are presented. The problems of building a multipurpose terminological apparatus are discussed. A high-level system architecture has been formed and directions for its development have been identified.

About authors

Tatiana Viktorovna Ershova

Lomonosov Moscow State University

National Center for Digital Economy

Candidate of economical sciences



Alexander Nikolaevich Raikov

Lomonosov Moscow State University

National Center for Digital Economy, head of department for intellectual technologies

V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of Russian Academy of Sciences, senior researcher

Doctor of engineering sciences, professor

Yuri Eugenievich Hohlov

Institute of the Information Society

Chairman of the board

Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, IIS-based digital economy department, scientific advisor

Candidate of  physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor

Full member of the Russian Engineering Academy



How to Cite

Ershova, T. V., Raikov, A. N., & Hohlov, Y. E. . (2020). Monitoring System of Sectors of the Economy Needs in Digital Platforms and Technologies. Information Society, (2), 2-19. Retrieved from



The digital economy