“Big Brother is watching you”: the acceptability of government online monitoring in thirty European countries (according to the EVS 2017)


  • Anna Aleksandrovna Shirokanova National Research University "Higher School of Economics"
  • Olesya Viktorovna Volchenko National Research University "Higher School of Economics"


monitoring, government, Internet, Europe, social control


The paper focuses on the attitude of the citizens of European countries to the government online monitoring of public spaces and of electronic personal correspondence. Although the electronic monitoring of public and private online communication is technically feasible, it encounters the public debates about its acceptability and the risks of transforming online communication into a virtual panopticon. The paper discusses sociological explanations of the observed variations in the attitude to various kinds of online social control, including the sociodemographic factors and cross-country differences in the countries of the European Values Study (EVS 2017).

About authors

Anna Aleksandrovna Shirokanova

National Research University "Higher School of Economics"

Department of sociology, associate professor

Laboratory for comparative social research, senior research fellow

Candidate of sociological sciences

Olesya Viktorovna Volchenko

National Research University "Higher School of Economics"

Department of sociology, senior lecturer

Laboratory for comparative social research, junior research fellow



How to Cite

Shirokanova, AnnaA., & Volchenko , O. V. (2020). “Big Brother is watching you”: the acceptability of government online monitoring in thirty European countries (according to the EVS 2017). Information Society, (2), 88-96. Retrieved from http://infosoc.iis.ru/article/view/466



Foreign experience. International cooperation