Current challenges of digitalization in the field of employment


  • Natalia Vitalievna Dneprovskaya Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
  • Ekaterina Vladimirovna Makarenkova Plekhanov Russian University of Economics


digitalization, digital economy, labor productivity, work environment, digital technologies


The modern development and spread of digital technologies in society create the basis for solving problems to improve the conditions and content of work, which still remain unresolved despite the achievements of scientific and technical progress. Simultaneously with the formation of the potential of digitalization for the economy growth, but the criticism of digital technologies is increasing in terms of their negative impact on the employment and wages. The paper reveals the tasks in the field of employment (increasing productivity and safety of working conditions, complicating information support of management relations) and the prospects for their solution using digital technologies. Solving the identified tasks will provide the digital economy with the necessary human resources.

About authors

Natalia Vitalievna Dneprovskaya

Plekhanov Russian University of Economics

Digital economy department based on Institute of the Information Society
Associate professor

Doctor of economic sciences, associate professor

Ekaterina Vladimirovna Makarenkova

Plekhanov Russian University of Economics

Digital economy department based on Institute of the Information Society
Senior lecturer



How to Cite

Dneprovskaya, N. V., & Makarenkova, E. V. (2021). Current challenges of digitalization in the field of employment. Information Society, (2), 19-29. Retrieved from



The digital economy