Digital terminology: approaches to the definition of «robot» and «robotics»


  • Ildar Rustamovich Begishev Kazan Innovative University named after V.G. Timiryasov


intelligent agent, artificial intelligence, machine, medical robot, concept, legal regulation, robot, robotics, social robot, term, terminology, smart robot, digital economy, digital technologies


The paper provides an assessment of the definitions of "robot" and "robotics" available in the scientific literature, with the author's position on their relevance, comprehensiveness and relevance. It is established that there are several approaches to the definition and interpretation of the categories under consideration. Most scientists proceed from their own vision of the object of research, while relying on the existing authoritative points of view in this field. However, the constant development of digital technologies entails the need to form a new conceptual and the categorical apparatus, which should be based on definitions that define the fundamental foundations of a particular scientific concept. The author's definition of the concepts "robot" and "robotics" is proposed.

About author

Ildar Rustamovich Begishev

Kazan Innovative University named after V.G. Timiryasov

Senior researcher

Candidate of legal sciences



How to Cite

Begishev, I. R. (2021). Digital terminology: approaches to the definition of «robot» and «robotics». Information Society, (2), 53-66. Retrieved from



Information society and law