Digital infrastructure for big data


  • Peter Sergeevich Ershov Institute of the Information Society
  • Yuri Evgenyevich Hohlov Institute of the Information Society


digital technology, big data, digital infrastructure, information infrastructure, telecommunication infrastructure, data transmission network, computing infrastructure, digital platform, monitoring and evaluation, Big Data for Digital Economy, BD4DE


A conceptual framework and a set of indicators for monitoring and evaluating digital infrastructure for big data have been developed. The conceptual framework consists of three components: telecommunication infrastructure; computing infrastructure; platform infrastructure. Calculations of the main indicators for Russia and individual fields of activity are given; international comparisons are made as of the end of 2020. It was noted that Russia lags significantly behind the EU countries in terms of certain infrastructural indicators.

About authors

Peter Sergeevich Ershov

Institute of the Information Society

Head of Directorate of regional programs

Yuri Evgenyevich Hohlov

Institute of the Information Society

Сhairman of the Board of directors

Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
IIS-based Digital economy department
Scientific advisor

Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor



How to Cite

Ershov, P. S., & Hohlov, Y. E. (2021). Digital infrastructure for big data. Information Society, (4-5), 110-131. Retrieved from



Information society: policy and drivers