Use of big data technologies in Russian business


  • Peter Sergeevich Ershov Institute of the Information Society
  • Yuri Evgenyevich Hohlov Institute of the Information Society
  • Sergei Borisovich Shaposhnik Karelian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences


big data, big data analytics, business, the use of big data by business, big data maturity level in business, barriers to the use of big data, BD4DE, Big Data for Digital Economy


A framework and a set of indicators are proposed for monitoring and assessing the level of use of big data technologies in business, considering international standards, developments of analytical companies and relevant scientific publications in this area. The framework includes indicators characterizing the level of maturity of working with big data, the use of big data technologies and barriers to their implementation in companies. A pilot approbation of the monitoring system was carried out, individual indicators were calculated based on the available statistical data for 2020.

About authors

Peter Sergeevich Ershov

Institute of the Information Society

Head of Directorate of regional programs

Yuri Evgenyevich Hohlov

Institute of the Information Society

Chairman of the Board of directors

Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
IIS-based Digital economy department
Scientific advisor

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, associate professor

Sergei Borisovich Shaposhnik

Karelian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences

OKNI, Laboratory of digital technologies for regional development
Senior researcher



How to Cite

Ershov, P. S., Hohlov, Y. E., & Shaposhnik, S. B. (2021). Use of big data technologies in Russian business. Information Society, (4-5), 300-314. Retrieved from



Information society technologies