The theory of information flows in the study of the information society


  • Tamara Vasilyevna Naumenko Lomonosov Moscow State University


information society, information flows, Joho Shakai, conversion factor


The article examines the Japanese version of the justification for the existence of an information society, which, as part of his classification of approaches, Alistair Duff calls the "thesis on information flows". The specifics of the use of the term "information flows" are indicated, the model that the researchers of Joho Shakai propose to account for information flows at the macro level is considered. An attempt to develop an information coefficient and create a Johoka index is described. The methodology of the census of information flows and converting coefficients is analyzed, and the hypothesis of a new type of information society existing on this basis is described.

About author

Tamara Vasilyevna Naumenko

Lomonosov Moscow State University

Faculty of global processes

Doctor of philosophical sciences, professor



How to Cite

Naumenko, T. V. (2022). The theory of information flows in the study of the information society. Information Society, (3), 2-10. Retrieved from



Fundamental research in the field of information society