Digital payment technologies in the 21st century: economic and humanitarian aspects


  • Valerya Evgenievna Gavrilova Lomonosov Moscow State University


information, money, means of payment, payment technologies, crypto assets


The article discusses options for payment technologies depending on the complexity of money as an economic and social category. The role of money as a special backbone institution and options for their use in the modern information society for each economic agent and for society as a whole are shown. The article proposes the definition of payment technologies and their modern structure. It seems especially important to understand not only the technical, financial, legal risks, both real and potential, in the process of using electronic means of payment, but also the impact of psychological attitudes in the form of the pursuit of profit and income on the state of morality in society. In this regard, state regulation of the national payment system plays a special role, the main task of which is to ensure the achievement of the national interests of a sovereign state.

About author

Valerya Evgenievna Gavrilova

Lomonosov Moscow State University

Faculty of Economics
Associate professor

Candidate of economic sciences



How to Cite

Gavrilova, V. E. (2022). Digital payment technologies in the 21st century: economic and humanitarian aspects. Information Society, (6), 34-42. Retrieved from



Social and economic aspects of the information society