Highly automated vehicles: criminal risks and legal consequences


  • Ildar Rustamovich Begishev Kazan Innovative University named after V. G. Timiryasov


automated driving system, automated control mode, autonomous vehicle, unmanned vehicle, highly automated vehicle, artificial intelligence, computer information, liability, legal regulation, crime, harm, robot, robotics, subject of crime, digital economy, digital technologies


In this paper, the existing state of the processes of using vehicles equipped with an automated driving system is considered. The analysis of the available definitions of such means is given, and a conclusion is formulated about the possibility of naming them a robotic vehicle. After that, the risks and threats arising in the process of their use are analyzed. The conclusion is formulated that the responsibility of the driver of a vehicle equipped with an automated control system and capable of functioning in the deactivated state of such a system is identical to the responsibility of the driver of a vehicle not equipped with an appropriate system. Vehicles in which such a system cannot be disabled pose significant risks and may be legally prohibited.

About author

Ildar Rustamovich Begishev

Kazan Innovative University named after V. G. Timiryasov

Chief researcher

Professor of the Department of criminal law and procedure

Doctor of law



How to Cite

Begishev, I. R. (2022). Highly automated vehicles: criminal risks and legal consequences. Information Society, (4), 45-54. Retrieved from http://infosoc.iis.ru/article/view/844



Information society and law