Education for the information society: problems and priorities


  • Konstantin Konstantinovich Kolin Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control” of the Russian Academy of Sciences


information education, information society, information ecology, information security, information worldview, national security, supercomputer systems


A systematic analysis of the problem of the formation of the information education system in Russia is carried out and it is shown that its solution is a necessary condition for achieving the national goals of our country for the period up to 2030 and beyond. The urgency of this problem is due to the global digital transformation of modern society, the pace of development of which outstrips the ability of members of this society to adapt to the new conditions of their existence. The education system should reduce the severity of this contradiction by making adequate changes in its structure and content. The totality of these changes is proposed to be considered as an integral system of information education, which should have a proactive nature and the necessary scientific and methodological support. The structure of the information education system and its tasks at various levels of education are considered. The role of information education in the formation of the culture of information security, information ecology and modern scientific worldview is shown. The potential of Russian science, which can and should be used to solve this urgent and strategically important problem of our country’s development, is shown.

About author

Konstantin Konstantinovich Kolin

Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control” of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Institute of Informatics Problems
Chief researcher

Research and analytical journal “Information Society”
Member of the Editorial board

Doctor of technical sciences, professor



How to Cite

Kolin, K. K. (2022). Education for the information society: problems and priorities. Information Society, (5), 16-34. Retrieved from



Education in the information society