Published since 1989

ISSN 1606–1330 (printed version) ISSN 1605-9921 (electronic version)


Information Society

2018, Issue 6


Editor’s word

Social and Economic Aspects of the Information Society

Digital Divide Concept by Jan van Dijk
MARTYNENKO Tatiana Sergeyevna

Russia in the Era of Digital Transformation: Possible Models for Social and Economic Development
BONDARENKO Valentina Mikhailovna, ALESHKOVSKY Ivan Andreevich, ILYIN Ilya Vyacheslavovich

The Human in the Information Society

Overton Window as a Mean of Dehumanization of the West in the Information Society
ILYIN Alexey Nikolaevich

Healthcare in the Information Society

Harmful Effects of Medical Electronic Equipment and Its Waste on Human Health and the Environment
Bikes Sail ogly AGAEV, Shakir Agajan ogly MEKHTIEV, Tarlan Saday ogly ALIEV

Science and Innovations in the Information Society

International Scientific Cooperation and Publication Activity of Russian Scientists in the Field of Computer Science in 1993-2017: Interdisciplinary and Cross-Country Comparative Analysis
SHAPOSHNIK Sergey Borisovich

Brain Drain in Computer and Information Sciences: a Bibliometric Estimate
YUREVICH Maxim Andreevich, AUSHKAP Daria Sergeevna

Information Society and Law

Public Access to Results of Scientific and Technological Development: Legal Aspects
SALITSKAYA Elena Alexandrovna

Information Society and Mass Media

Specificity of Professional Paths in the Field of Online Advertising (Based on the Biographies of Representatives of the Digital Agencies Segment)
PETROVA Evgeniya Viktorovna, BORISOVA Anna Alexandrovna

Information Society Technologies

“Soft Power” and Destructive Influence Technology in the Information Society
LEONOVA Olga Georgievna



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