Review of the results of psycholinguistic research on strategies of speech behavior in the digital society


  • Lyudmila Nikolayevna Bakanovskaya Tyumen State University
  • Valeriy Alekseyevich Shaptsev Tyumen State University


digital communication, speech behavior strategies, speech patterns, natural language processing, machine learning


The article discusses research results on language tools and communication strategies in the digital environment. The language tools used in modern communication, their role in creating emotional messages and forming value orientations, are reflected. It is shown that the use of certain language tools and communication strategies can significantly affect message perception and achieve goals. The ultimate goal of the announced research is to create adequate datasets and machine learning algorithms used to support digital dialogues and live communication.

About authors

Lyudmila Nikolayevna Bakanovskaya

Tyumen State University

Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science
Department of information systems

Candidate of technical sciences, associate professor

Valeriy Alekseyevich Shaptsev

Tyumen State University

Institute of Mathematics and Computer Sciencе
Department of information systems

Doctor of technical sciences, professor



How to Cite

Bakanovskaya, L. N., & Shaptsev , V. A. (2024). Review of the results of psycholinguistic research on strategies of speech behavior in the digital society. Information Society, (2), 34-42. Retrieved from



The human in the information society