A model of the impact of human capital based on research institutions on the development of regions under sanctions



mathematical model, regional development, assessment, methodology, digital economy, human capital


The purpose of this work is to develop methods for assessing the impact of human capital on economic growth, competitiveness, and social well-being of Russian regions, since, on the one hand, it becomes one of the key factors in their sustainable development in the context of the general digitalization of society, on the other hand, The sanctions imposed by developed countries on Russia are currently leaving a significant imprint not only on the production, but also on the labor market. Accordingly, the imposed sanctions require an adequate response to the transformation of this capital. Why, on the basis of one of the basic principles of the digital transformation of society - the formation of a structured information space of scientific and educational resources, two mathematical models are proposed: a model for assessing human capital in the science system using the example of agricultural research institutions, a model for assessing its impact on the socio-economic situation of regions. The results of the research led to the development of appropriate uniform methods based on the ontological standardization of the presentation of scientific and educational resources, both a comprehensive assessment of the entire activity of scientific institutions, and an assessment of the impact on the regional development of human capital. Based on these methods in 2022. monitoring and analysis of the state of information resources available on the websites of agrarian institutions was completed.

About author

Viktor Ivanovich Medennikov

Federal Research Center "Computer Science and Control" of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Leading researcher

Doctor of technical sciences, professor



How to Cite

Medennikov, V. I. (2024). A model of the impact of human capital based on research institutions on the development of regions under sanctions. Information Society, (2), 20-27. Retrieved from http://infosoc.iis.ru/article/view/1022



Information society: policy and drivers