Possibilities of analytical plaforms in the study of social and political mobilization


  • Elena Anatolievna Kranzeeva Kemerovo State University
  • Evgeny Vasilievich Golovatsky Kemerovo State University
  • Anna Leonidovna Burmakina Kemerovo State University
  • Ivan Yurievich Stepanov Kemerovo State University
  • Inna Veniaminovna Donova Kemerovo State University


social mobilization, political mobilization, network communities, social actors, region, analytical platforms, PolyAnalyst, topic modeling


The article examines the possibilities of using analytical platforms in the study of social and political mobilization. The authors highlight software solutions such as Orange Data Mining, KNIME Analytical Platform and PolyAnalyst as promising tools for analyzing network communications. An example of thematic modeling in the PolyAnalyst software environment of a dataset of messages and comments from thematic groups of VKontakte communities in the Tyumen and Kemerovo regions is shown. The article highlights the dual nature of network participant structures in a virtual environment.

About authors

Elena Anatolievna Kranzeeva

Kemerovo State University

Department of sociological  sciences
Head of Department

Doctor of sociological sciences, associate professor

Evgeny Vasilievich Golovatsky

Kemerovo State University

Department of sociological  sciences

Doctor of sociological sciences, associate professor

Anna Leonidovna Burmakina

Kemerovo State University

Department of sociological  sciences
Senior lecturer

Candidate of sociological sciences

Ivan Yurievich Stepanov

Kemerovo State University

Department of digital technologies

Inna Veniaminovna Donova

Kemerovo State University

Department of Management named after I. P. Povarich
Associate professor

Candidate of economic sciences



How to Cite

Kranzeeva, E. A., Golovatsky, E. V., Burmakina, A. L., Stepanov, I. Y., & Donova, I. V. (2024). Possibilities of analytical plaforms in the study of social and political mobilization. Information Society, (6), 125-136. Retrieved from http://infosoc.iis.ru/article/view/1099



Measuring the information society