A global digital currency in the digital economy: prospects for creating


  • Elizaveta Alexandrovna Mosakova Lomonosov Moscow State University


The article explores the issues of creating a global digital currency in the digital economy. The study shows that the creation of supranational CBDCs is likely to occur in the medium term. The digital yuan, e-CNY, is deemed to be one of the most successful projects in this area. Having already been almost fully integrated into the PRC’s national economy, e-CNY has great potential for integration at the international level. Moreover, China has already spearheaded the creation of a unified Asian digital currency. In the long term, with the proviso that national and supranational CBDC projects are successfully implemented, it will be possible to create a global digital currency.

About author

Elizaveta Alexandrovna Mosakova

Lomonosov Moscow State University

Faculty of global processes

Candidate of economical sciences



How to Cite

Mosakova, E. A. (2024). A global digital currency in the digital economy: prospects for creating. Information Society, (2), 28-33. Retrieved from http://infosoc.iis.ru/article/view/1166



The digital economy