Application of artificial intelligence methods for risk analysis in the socio-economic systems


  • Dmitriy Semyonovich Chereshkin Federal Research Center "Informatics and Management" of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Grigoriy Vladimirovich Royzenzon Federal Research Center "Informatics and Management" of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Vladimir Borisovich Britkov Federal Research Center "Informatics and Management" of the Russian Academy of Sciences


socio-economic systems, strategic decisions, crisis situations, crisis management, risk management, artificial intelligence


The paper analyzes the methods of artificial intelligence (AI) in terms of the possibility of their use for the tasks of risk analysis in socio-economic systems (SES). The basic definitions are presented (what is meant by risk, AI, SES properties, characteristics of strategic choice tasks). Four main approaches to measuring risk are considered (engineering, model, expert and sociological). It is proposed to link, within the framework of a unified classification, the properties of SES, AI methods, as well as methods for measuring risk.

About authors

Dmitriy Semyonovich Chereshkin

Federal Research Center "Informatics and Management" of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Institute for System Analysis

Doctor of technical sciences

Grigoriy Vladimirovich Royzenzon

Federal Research Center "Informatics and Management" of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Institute for System Analysis

MIPT, researcher

MPEI, researcher

Candidate of technical sciences

Vladimir Borisovich Britkov

Federal Research Center "Informatics and Management" of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Institute for System Analysis

Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences



How to Cite

Chereshkin, D. S., Royzenzon, G. V., & Britkov, V. B. (2020). Application of artificial intelligence methods for risk analysis in the socio-economic systems. Information Society, (3), 14-24. Retrieved from



Social and economic aspects of the information society