Monopolization of the media market as a challenge to democratic governability

Digital transformation of print media and model of state regulation (on the example of the U.S.)


  • Leonid Vladimirovic Tomin Saint Petersburg State University
  • Alexandrovic Higher School of Economics Campus in St. Petersburg


neoliberalism, platform capitalism, big data, disruptive innovations, advertising, financialization, digitalization


The paper focuses on the transformation of the advertising market under the influence of platform companies, using the US example, to show the mechanism of digital disruption in print media business model. The development of digital infrastructure has allowed platform companies to collect and monetize data, deliver personalized ads to users throughout the internet. A structural shift has occurred - print media have ceased to be the main channels for transmitting advertising messages to certain social groups, advertising platforms are able to find them and deliver them ads on their own. In the framework of platform capitalism, many print media in order to survive try to transform themselves in accordance with the logic of the economic platform model.

About authors

Leonid Vladimirovic Tomin

Saint Petersburg State University

Faculty of political science, Department of political governance
 Associate professor

(PhD) in political science


Higher School of Economics Campus in St. Petersburg

Department of political science and international affairs
Associate professor

(PhD) in political science



How to Cite

Tomin, L. V., & Balayan, A. A. (2020). Monopolization of the media market as a challenge to democratic governability: Digital transformation of print media and model of state regulation (on the example of the U.S.). Information Society, (5), 80-88. Retrieved from



Information society and mass media