The Symbolic field of network public policy

Analysis of the modern leader image


  • Dmitriy Igorevich Kaminchenko Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod


Internet, image, political image, political communication, analysis, network communication


The author of the paper examines the content of the image of one of the Russian regional leaders in order to identify the presence / absence of network features in the content of the image. The information array of data was made up of news reports posted on the official government website. The theoretical basis of the research is the concept of "political image" and the theory of the information society. A set of methods, including non-directional quantitative content-analysis, network data analysis and linguistic analysis, is used in the study. Thanks to a comprehensive analysis, it was possible to establish the presence of a number of network features in the semantic content of the modern leader image. In addition, as a result of the study, the key target settings presented in the symbolic content of the image, as well as the features of the implementation of target settings and interaction with other social and political subjects, were established.

About author

Dmitriy Igorevich Kaminchenko

Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod

Political science department
Associate professor

Candidate of political sciences



How to Cite

Kaminchenko, D. I. (2023). The Symbolic field of network public policy: Analysis of the modern leader image . Information Society, (1), 41-54. Retrieved from



Information society and public administration