Integrated reporting as an information model of a territory


  • Olga Sergeevna Eremeeva N.F. Katanov Khakass State University


information about fterritory, integrated reporting, economic region, territory reporting


Persons conducting economic analysis of territories, persons interested in the development of regions, territories need useful, complete information, which necessitates the search for effective ways to collect, summarize and present information about the territory. The author's approach to solving the problem of information support in the management and development of territories and economic regions is presented. A model of integrated reporting of the territory is proposed, which includes sections (resources of the territory): human, socio-infrastructural, natural, industrial, financial. The conclusion is made about the possibility and usefulness of using the principles of integrated reporting and adapting the experience of its compilation for territories as economic regions.

About author

Olga Sergeevna Eremeeva

N.F. Katanov Khakass State University

Institute of management, economics and agricultural technologies
Department of economics and business

Candidate of economic sciences, associate professor



How to Cite

Eremeeva, O. S. (2023). Integrated reporting as an information model of a territory. Information Society, (3), 8-14. Retrieved from



Social and economic aspects of the information society