Methods of patent and publication landscaping to evaluate new digital irrigation technologies


  • Yulia Sergeevna Otmakhova Central Economic and Mathematics Institute RAS
  • Dmitry Alexeevich Devyatkin Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control” RAS
  • Natalia Ivanovna Usenko Technologies for Systems Analysis LLC


digital technologies, ntelligent irrigation control systems, new generation sprinkler technology, patent landscape, import substitution industrialization, agri-food complex


The paper presents patent and publication landscape methods to identify Russian centers of competence in irrigation technologies and in developing new generation of irrigation control systems based on intelligent algorithms and digital technologies. We collected a dataset of 2.2K full-text documents (patents, research papers, Ph.D. theses) for the period 2007–2021. The obtained scientific and patent landscape of irrigation technologies makes it possible to determine the necessary measures of state support to define the development direction for new generation of irrigation systems, considering global technological trends and ensuring efficient agricultural production.

About authors

Yulia Sergeevna Otmakhova

Central Economic and Mathematics Institute RAS

Laboratory of computer modeling of socio-economic processes
Leading researcher

Ph. D. in economics

Dmitry Alexeevich Devyatkin

Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control” RAS

Department of Intelligent Technologies and Systems
Head of laboratory

Ph. D. in computer science

Natalia Ivanovna Usenko

Technologies for Systems Analysis LLC

Leading researcher

Ph. D. in economics



How to Cite

Otmakhova, Y. S., Devyatkin, D. A., & Usenko, N. I. (2024). Methods of patent and publication landscaping to evaluate new digital irrigation technologies. Information Society, (6), 28-43. Retrieved from