This is an outdated version published on 28.02.2022. Read the most recent version.

Supercomputer race: achievements and challenges


  • Alina Fagimovna Ageeva Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences


supercomputer technologies, high performance computing, supercomputer cyberinfrastructure, supercomputer race


High performance computing is a driver of positive changes in the information society, providing scientific progress and increasing productivity in the economy. The article discusses topical issues of the development of high-performance technologies, as well as the supercomputer field, in general, their impact on ensuring national security and competitiveness in the digital economy. The article provides information on the most significant projects in the field of high performance computing, implemented in leading technology countries, as well as the amount of financial resources invested in the supercomputer field. The main events of the current stage of the supercomputer race, the achievements of its participants and the challenges that require solutions for the further development of the supercomputer field are revealed.

About author

Alina Fagimovna Ageeva

Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences

Junior researcher

Candidate of architecture




How to Cite

Ageeva, A. F. (2022). Supercomputer race: achievements and challenges. Information Society, (1), 61-75. Retrieved from



Information society technologies